Self portrait

Title: Warm Glow
Technique: Photography and Reflector
Shutter speed: 1/15s - Aperture: f/13 - ISO: 100 - no flash
Utilising the warm afternoon light and shadows in my apartment and enhancing this with the reflective surface.
I was pleasantly surprised with the success of this image, as I did not have a professional reflector to enhance the warmth of the light. The reflective surface used was a gold piece of packaging and it was difficult positioning the reflector with the specific lighting condition, although it brings warmth and extra light to the shadows which other wise would have been drowned out due to the harsh light source coming from the left. The medium aperture was used to balance the shadows and bright light source and low ISO as the space was already quite bright and . did not require extra sensitivity. If recreating this image I would increase the shutter speed to create a sharper image as it is slightly burry in some areas.
Peer portrait

Title: Peer portrait
Technique: Photography
Shutter speed: 1/1000s - Aperture: f/5.6 - ISO: 100 - no flash
Exploring contrast of lighting with natural lighting sources
The outcome of this image had more contrast than I expected, and I believe this is due to the fast shutter speed. As this was the first image I photographed, I was still playing around with settings on the camera and trying to control how the light was being perceived, this proved to be a challenge as I had never used a DSLR while trying to properly control all the settings available. I discovered the way I comprehended the settings was by experimenting and then analysing the result. This image I though was the most successful as is shows in the shadowed areas how the different camera settings interact with the different areas of light, as well as the contrasting impact of the highlights and low lights.
Large to small

Title: Fairy
Technique: Photography (Black and White)
Shutter speed: 1/320s Aperture: f/9 ISO: 100
Make a large object appear smaller (figure) against a small object in comparison. Attempting to create the illusion that she is standing on the flower.
With this photograph, I struggled to achieve the desired result. As it was the first image that was not a portrait, I was still understanding the functions of aperture. I endeavoured to have the flower and figure in focus, although when trying to control all the different exposures in combination, I was challenged. To recreate this image I would decrease the aperture in order to have the figure in focus and increase the shutter speed to decrease noise.
Small to large

Title: Magnify
Technique: Photography and Magnifying glass
Shutter speed: 1/20s Aperture: f/11 ISO: 200
Making a small object (eye) appear larger in context to its surroundings. Using a magnifying glass to create an optical illusion.
What I find most interesting about this image is the contrast in lighting between my self portrait (above ( Warm Glow)) and this image. The two images were taken on the same day at the same time, although the difference in ISO and lack of reflector in this image created a very different result in the lighting, and the low Aperture allowed for a but brighter image with higher contrast, and more depth of field, which was necessary in achieving the 'large eye', as if it is closer to the camera.

Title: Lustre
Technique: Photography and Reflector
Shutter speed: 1/4000s Aperture: f/4.5 ISO: 100
To depict and explore a texture. Texture: Reflective surfaces
I used a high shutter speed in this image as is was necessary for the moving water to be captured. I lowered the aperture significantly in this image to enhance the highlights of the reflective surfaces and make them the focus of the image. I feel this image creates a very specific and noir-esc mood in darkness, the different highlights all effect the composition and balance of the image, and the natural light was utilised effectively to capture the nature/characteristics of the texture/reflective surfaces. I would not change this image if i was to recreate it as I feel I achieved my desired result.
#oneperday19 DVB102 Assessment 1